The Constructors Notebook 0
The Constructors Notebook is a series of blog posts that will demonstrate the possibilites of kit construction, by following the various projects of Impact Audio coustomers.
Kit constuction is largely a question of confidence in your own ability to read and interpret a set of drawings and then have the practical skills to cut the wood, glue it together and solder the electrical components. With these blog posts we hope to demonstrate the possibilties that come with kit construction, and aim to give practical advice wherever possible, to give you confiedence in your next construction project.
- Impact Audio
- Tags: Blog Post Construction Kits Visaton
New Product - Visaton SC 4.6 FL 0
Recently added to our website is the Visaton SC 4.6 FL, 8 Ohm Full-Range Speaker, with coated light wood membrane and sturdy plastic basket.
This speaker has a thin and lightweight design, making it ideal for areas where space is limited. Measurements are 4 x 6 cm (1.6" x 2.4"). Also suitable for miniature hi-fi speakers.
The speaker has a broad and balanced frequency response with good low-frequency reproduction. Frequency response - 100–20000 Hz
Power handling - 4 W
If you are interested in this product, click on the link below where you will be directed to the product on our website and can find more information.
- Joe Harris
- Tags: Full Range Speaker New Post New Product Sc 4.6 FL Visaton